If so, can you share the output of cat /usr/share/libiwinfo/devices.txt on the device? You should see "morse,mm610x-spi" 0 0 "Morse Micro" "HaLow WiFi" at the bottom of it!
If the Morse Micro entry is not present in devices.txt, then the OpenWrt build root probably hasn’t updated its package index correctly, and you may need to delete the openwrt/tmp directory and run the ./scripts/feeds commands again. I will double check tomorrow that the specific version you’re using definitely has the SPI entry in it. I note that I’m currently checking 2023-07-01. Will confirm as soon as I can!
If the entry is present, then it may be that the device isn’t being recognised. For SPI devices, iwinfo can only match against a device tree compatible as it doesn’t get a VID/PID pair like SDIO or USB. So please ensure your device tree has the compatible specified.
I have tried to build the version 2023-07-01 and can see the expected information, It seems the previous version is missing the SPI piece of code. I am using this version instead so no worry about the previous issue.