Mm6108 Linux 6.12 support


The latest LTS kernel is now 6.12. Do we have patches yet for the 6.12 kernel appropriate for morse_driver?

I would really like to see MorseMicro publically post their kernel patches required for the mm610x and work on getting them in the mainline kernel.

The latest kernel patches related to mac80211 are for 6.6 and not being a mac80211 developer I’m wondering how these patches may adversley affect other mac80211 radios in the system (envision a system with both a wifi6/7 card and a 802.11ah) card:

  • 0018-mac80211_ndp_block_ack.patch
  • 0012-mac80211-mlme-ps-recalc-for-dynamic-ps-v5.15.patch
  • 0009-mac80211-Mesh-support.patch
  • 0008-mac80211-IBSS-bridge-support.patch
  • 0007-mac80211_tx_s1g_AP_ecsa_support.patch
  • 0006-mac80211_mlme_s1g_ecsa_support.patch
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Hi @tharvey

We don’t have 6.12 support yet, I’ll let you know as soon as it is made available - likely our 1.15 release. (1.14 has just been made and is in the backlog to go out onto GitHub).
Our internal software team is aware of the gap!

I would really like to see Morse Micro publicly post their kernel patches required for the mm610x

Sorry for the delay in getting this out, there are a few more moving pieces to this than I would like. But it’s high on the list of things to get done.

and work on getting them in the mainline kernel.
This is actively happening too!

A basic AP/station HaLow network without powersave requirements or extended channel switch will function without these patches. At the very least I would recommend taking the NDP block ack patch, as its use is gated on a flag being set.

For what it’s worth, we have hardware utilising both 802.11ah and 802.11n radios with all of these patches applied (see the HaLowLink 1 for example), and customers have products with 802.11ac/802.11ax alongside HaLow. No obvious issues with other radios have been noticed to be caused by these patches.

Do you have any ETA for the 1.14 github release and the following 1.15 github release? I’m trying to gauge if the Linux 6.12 support expected in 1.15 is weeks, or months away.

Hi @tharvey

1.14 will be made available on GitHub in the second half of next week.

At this stage 1.15 should be on the order of “weeks” away.

@tharvey you replied on my post about openwrt halow support on the bpi openwrt one. Are you doing something similar, if so how much progress have you made?

I’ve been working with OpenWrt 24.10 but I have not been needing mm6108 support there. At some point soon I will need 6.12 support for mm6108 but it sounds like that will come by the time I need it.