Low Power Operation

I am using the evaluation models EKH03 and EKH01 and want to validate the low power states in terms of power consumption (primarily for a STA). The datasheets show low power states in the micro amps.

Currently I am operating the STA in various ways with DTIM and TWT, the measured power consumption is never below 4-5 milli amps for the halow portion of the system. I have also monitored the WAKE and BUSY pins and they don’t appear to be actively used, I assume they are needed to achieve the lowest power states for a STA.

Is there a way to implement these states via the web interface/CLI or is a custom solution needed?

Hi @bbasham

The wake and busy pins are required for sleep, no activity on these lines could indicate a misconfigured device or powersave is disabled. I assume running iw dev wlan0 get power_save shows power save is enabled? It should be on by default for a station device.

Which device is your AP, and which is your station? What version of software is on both?

Regarding DTIM and TWT, there are configuration options for both of these in the UI and CLI. I can send details of configuration after knowing the firmware version.