Get statistic related to Halow interface.


I am developing a monitor tool to collect all statistic of a Halow interface like connection strength, speed, etc. Do you have any built in command to collect those things?


  • For speed, it’s best to do a quick iperf3 capture over a set interval
  • On the AP, you can run hostapd_cli_s1g all_sta to get a bunch of statistics (including sig strength and rx/tx information)
  • Another useful tool is to run morsectrl stats or morse_cli stats on all devices.

I recommend creating a .sh script to run through these different commands that executes periodically as daemon.

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Thanks @sheridan.tapsall . It’s much helpful.

iwinfo may also be useful. You can either use the iwinfo command directly, or to get a JSON blob use ubus call iwinfo info '{"device":"wlan0"}'