Unable to connect mobile device to run a SSH session using Termius

I have connected my phone to the station and I want to run a ssh session following instructions on:
However, in termius–>terminals–>ssh root@ ( being the IP of the STA) does not bring up anything. Is there any more instruction on this?

Do I understand your topology correctly ?

Laptop (10.42.0.x) ,<----> EKH01 ( (((( Halow )))) Station (

Are you trying to reach station from laptop ?

having this structure:

I am trying to run some commands Like pinging using the terminal in my phone.

What is the IP on the phone ? You should have received an IP in 192.168.1.x subnet for your pinging commands to work

Where can I find the IP on my phone?

Depends on your OS.

On iPhone, it’s on Settings → WiFi → :information_source: button of the wifi network you’ve connected → IP Address

I imagine that android can’t be too different from this.

Since my phone is already connected to the station using a cable. I am not sure why I need to use the IP of my phone to run commands?

You don’t need to know the IP of the phone, but you do need the phone to have a reasonable IP.

A different approach to this would be to check the DHCP lease table on your Access Point (on the home page) to confirm that your phone has shown up. Or depending on how you’ve set this up, perhaps on the STA. If the STA is not bridged, you will need to use rather than

This is helpful.Thanks!