Raspberry Pi Zero 2W WiFi HaLow Module (MM6108-MF08651-US) Integration

I would like use WiFi HaLow Module (MM6108-MF08651-US) with Raspberry Pi Zero 2W. Could you please provide steps to follow and example codes for this integration? I would appreciate any documents, files and links.
Best Regards.

Look at the “raspberry pi5” thread here. Those files and such are likely to work.

You may have to rework the DTBO file to match the situation with the Zero 2W.

Hi @ferit.cakici

Apologies for the delay, we’ve been busy releasing a fair amount of source to our GitHub.

I will have a repository up very shortly to house the kernel patches needed. But aside from that all of our source code is available for use on GitHub. For a bare minimum integration you will want to download the following 1.14.1 repositories and artefacts.
Firmware Binaries
Board Config Binaries
Morse CLI

The driver repository has a submodule in it. So don’t forget to run git submodule update after cloning!

I’ve also attached our Linux Porting Guide application note. While it references 1.11.3, most of the information should carry over into the new version. Please let us know if there are any gaps. I’ll be happy to update the guide.
MM-APPNOTE-24-Linux-Porting-Guide.pdf (4.8 MB)

We intend for these application notes to be available publicly on the Morse Micro website in a few months.

I’ll let you know when the kernel patches are made available. Hope this helps!

Depending on what your use case is, the other option would be to use our OpenWrt tree (and add an appropriate target to boards/ - e.g. by copying the ekh-bcm2711 folder - or use make menuconfig to select at least netifd-morse and kmod-morse).

See: GitHub - MorseMicro/openwrt

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