Bridge Mode in new firmware was selected and cannot connect anymore

Similar to

But on the latest firmware built from openwrt repo there is a wizard option to select bridge mode. After setting it no longer had access to web UI.

Managed to fix my issue by changing my network settings:

Then doing nmap -sn to see what IP the device was assigned.

Starting Nmap 7.95 ( ) at 2024-09-20 16:20 AEST
Nmap scan report for mma-spare (
Host is up (0.00020s latency).
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00068s latency).
Nmap done: 65536 IP addresses (2 hosts up) scanned in 27.06 seconds

So then going to worked

Hmm, but how did it get the IP? Was this a STA connected to an AP? If so, an easier approach would probably be to look at the DHCP lease table on the AP (available in the web UI), or if it’s not there go to the ‘diagnostics’ page on the AP and do an arp-scan.

I followed this doc

Dunno if its working properly