Time out problem(The debugging issues between NUC972DF63YC and WiFi Hallow)

Hi,@ ajudge
the attachment is that capture data by 500M sampling rate .it is data captured when a time out occurs during data streaming
DSLogic U3Pro16-la-250125-160257.part1.rar (25 MB)
DSLogic U3Pro16-la-250125-160257.part2.rar (25 MB)
DSLogic U3Pro16-la-250125-160257.part3.rar (8.0 MB)

Hi @panhaojie

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you! We are looking into this, but it does take some time to parse the traces. I’m also traveling, so have limited access to resources at this time.

Firstly, I note the following transition on DAT1 at the end of your traces:

SDIO uses the DAT1 line as an interrupt line to the host. It’s possible your host hasn’t been configured properly to handle SDIO interrupts. Please make sure your device tree configuration contains the cap-sdio-irq property in your mmc host controller node (in your case, sdh@b000c000)

Also check the nuvoton driver doesn’t have vendor specific properties related to enabling SDIO.

I also note you have specified power-gpios = <&gpio 0x28 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>,<&gpio 0x29 GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW>;

Do you have an inverter on the BUSY line? If it is directly connected with no level inveter, I would recommend setting both gpios here to GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH.

“ SDIO uses the DAT1 line as an interrupt line to the host. It’s possible your host hasn’t been configured properly to handle SDIO interrupts. Please make sure your device tree configuration contains the cap-sdio-irq property in your mmc host controller node (in your case, sdh@b000c000 )”—we follow your suggestion , and it works . thank you very much.

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as we discussed as last time,we change as your suggestion. at the same time we modified follow content.

See the highlighted section.
After the modification, we conducted tests using a total of three devices, one as the AP (Access Point) and the other two as STAs (Stations). With no speed limit, the test ran for over 3 hours. The “time out” error occurred again. Please check the serial port print information below.

The two boards encountered issues at different times, and the error messages displayed were also different.
Additionally, may I ask if you have an email address? Please provide it so that I can include both you and Nuvoton in an email discussion.

The question I want to ask is: What causes the errors that appear in screenshots, and what are the implications?
After this error occurred, roughly 20 minutes later, the STA encountered a time out error.

Hi @panhaojie,

I’ll send you my details in a private message.

You mentioned the problem was resolved with cap-sdio-irq but now it is no longer working. If you uncomment the highlighted lines does it work again? Or did the cap-sdio-irq property not actually fix the issue?

Both the timeout errors and the reg read errors indicate an issue with the bus.