Hi, I just got the MM6108-EKH05 Kit and I am attempting to test the aws IoT example. Problem is, on the first build of the project it shows that the build is using 110% of the available ram. The Stm32U585VI has a total of 786KB with SRAM3 being the biggest partition at 512KB. How do I go about modifying the project to fit for this example. Sorry if this is a terrible question, I am new to PlatformIO. Thanks
@doludiran, that is not expected .
Appears there is a copy paste error in the board config for that platform where it has the incorrect ram size is specified.
For now you will just need to update mm-iot-sdk-2.6.4/boards/mm-mm6108-ekh05-sdio.json
in your release package.
< "maximum_ram_size": 262144,
> "maximum_ram_size": 786432,